
Showing posts from December, 2017

2017, not another boring year.

As 2017 comes to an end, it is finally the time for a review. I have spent some time reflecting on how it has been a fantastic year; a rollercoaster of emotions. It might sound cheesy, but it has been my best year so far : I've made friends, even best friends, rekindled old friendships, got rid of my #1 fear : Speaking to the public, made my parents proud (more than once lol) and finally, got out of my introverted nature. I gained skills, went through a one-time experience, got delighted by success but I also handled deceptions. To sum it up, in terms of personal development, I won it all. Isn't it amazing how much a year can change you? My 2017 was fabulous; I've learnt that despite the bad times, there will always be a positive aspect to it (I've always had a shoulder to cry on during the worst situations). But what else? It boosted my self-esteem; I have always myself as a 'loser' and despite my previous achievements, I still felt the same until this year.
Ironical how we live in a multicultural society, and yet, racism is still present in many households. What a shame it is for us to be praised worldwide for our "peaceful multicultural community" and yet, kids are taught in some households that "they should not mingle with other communities". I am not only offended, but also disappointed by how some people associate flaws to specific communities. It is true that religion unites all of us, but to what extent? It is also a fact that there is no visible cultural clash in our society, but let's consider the word 'visible' here. Cultural clash, hatred among communities, racist comments, prejudice, all of these do exist, but they are hidden. And the word 'hidden' here does not mean 'safe' or 'non-existent'; many people have been oppressed because of their race or ethnicity. Corrupted mindsets have modified and changed the main purpose of religion : Welfare and peace for everyone, and h