
Showing posts from May, 2018

Wow I love school lmao, who am I kidding?

Disclaimer: What I'm going to describe in this article is only based on my experience as a senior student in Upper Six/Grade 13. I do not intend to start any kind of conflict or argument, the following is only my perception of our education system. Honestly, I guess that the majority of teachers at school (especially state schools) are irrelevant nowadays (there are some exceptions but I'll tackle this later on). I spent 7 years of my life in one of the few so-called 'star schools' in Mauritius where the supposedly 'most brilliant students' are admitted and with this in mind, I'll narrate what I have seen or experienced as a high school student. According to me, every student irrespective of his/her school, has the capacity to excel in whatever subject or field he/she is passionate about. Easy peasy lemon squeezy then? Of course not! I felt the urge to write such an article because I had to voice out- something I cannot do at school since student