Wow I love school lmao, who am I kidding?

Disclaimer: What I'm going to describe in this article is only based on my experience as a senior student in Upper Six/Grade 13. I do not intend to start any kind of conflict or argument, the following is only my perception of our education system.

Honestly, I guess that the majority of teachers at school (especially state schools) are irrelevant nowadays (there are some exceptions but I'll tackle this later on). I spent 7 years of my life in one of the few so-called 'star schools' in Mauritius where the supposedly 'most brilliant students' are admitted and with this in mind, I'll narrate what I have seen or experienced as a high school student.

According to me, every student irrespective of his/her school, has the capacity to excel in whatever subject or field he/she is passionate about. Easy peasy lemon squeezy then? Of course not! I felt the urge to write such an article because I had to voice out- something I cannot do at school since students are being 'muted' almost all the time. What do I feel right now? Anger. Grief. Deception.

Why so?

As an Upper Six student, my studies are my number one priority, isn't it the case for everyone? We are all in the same boat. However, how can one study effectively with the flawed education system in our Mauritian schools? With elitism present in all state schools, I have noticed that almost all teachers tend to focus and 'train' the students whom they think will be the future 'laureates' of our generation. How about the others? Well, too bad for you if you are part of the 'others', you are neglected. My bad, Susan, you should not have lost those 2 marks on your previous assessment, you are now part of the 'others' and most teachers will not even bother to remember your name despite how common it might be.

No matter how hard you try, you won't escape from this tag, you won't exist in the classroom for the teacher. You will be irrelevant to him/her because of those 2 marks you lost in your assessment since his/her favourite students scored full marks. Need help for some class work? Forget your teacher, he/she will not explain anything since 'you are supposed to work harder and not constantly seek help' or 'you might as well drop the subject since Physics is not made for you'. Oh, and please, do not dare to tell that to your parents or else, your favourite teacher might make up a twisted excuse and blame you 'for not showing interest in class' or 'for having friends with a low I.Q who might affect your child's intelligence'. Well, my bad, I never knew that intelligence could be spread by diffusion but here we are. I guess that my biology classes did not teach me that.

Why would I follow a class which does not bring any good to me?
The teacher neglects other students, but we, are students and not sheep. We have brains and we are human, isn't it? Why is it that because my classmate is better than me in Maths, I should be neglected by teachers? What did I do wrong to face such discrimination? (Except my Maths class work lol)? 

Welcome to Mauritius' school system, and that, my dear readers, is only the beginning. This was only the starter, your main course will be served with several breakdowns and lack of self-confidence while your dessert will be accompanied by "professeur l'ecole travail vous zot, bane zelev ki pas vinn lecole. Si zelev ti vini, professeur ti pou travail." 

Isn't it ironic? Those words above are said by the same teachers who tag students according to their weaknesses and neglect them afterwards. And again, why would I bother following such a class? I'm good on my own.

Who needs school teachers anyways (except my GP teacher, she's amazing, shoutout to her)? Most of them do the exact opposite of what a good teacher should do and then they wonder why students attend tuitions lmao. Ah, good old Mauritian teacher, what a unique and pleasant experience.

Our education system, our teachers, value academic success so much that the mental health of students is neglected (Bear in mind that NO SUBJECT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR HEALTH). I cannot remember how many times I've cried this year haha. Well, you have now reached the end of my article, thanks for bearing with me and reading it. Do not hesitate to share your opinions, it would be great!
