
Just a thought...

"If you could change anything about your life, what would it be?" I ndeed, the answers to this question are endless and quite reflect ambivalent opinions but let's face reality, not all these answers are at the reach of the commoner... Hence, what if you could change the way others perceive your life? Lol, very cunning right? And of course, it's easier to change your image than changing your bad attitude and becoming a better person because nowadays, it seems that being and acting like an asshole is a worldwide trend. It is part of human nature to feel jealousy whether it being materialistic or not. The upsurge of modernity thus provides a rather effective platform through which one can fool the whole world into thinking that one is living the sweet life, that is, through social media. Ladies and gentlemen, I am not writing a GP essay (Shoutout to Cambridge) but I am rather exploring the pathetic, if not, miserable aspect of your beloved Instagram and the way in

Just dropping updates...

Definitely not a normal post, I've been very inactive bc I'm not an author or whatever so I'll just drop some of the paintings I recreated :). Love you. -Neha R.

Wow I love school lmao, who am I kidding?

Disclaimer: What I'm going to describe in this article is only based on my experience as a senior student in Upper Six/Grade 13. I do not intend to start any kind of conflict or argument, the following is only my perception of our education system. Honestly, I guess that the majority of teachers at school (especially state schools) are irrelevant nowadays (there are some exceptions but I'll tackle this later on). I spent 7 years of my life in one of the few so-called 'star schools' in Mauritius where the supposedly 'most brilliant students' are admitted and with this in mind, I'll narrate what I have seen or experienced as a high school student. According to me, every student irrespective of his/her school, has the capacity to excel in whatever subject or field he/she is passionate about. Easy peasy lemon squeezy then? Of course not! I felt the urge to write such an article because I had to voice out- something I cannot do at school since student

July Gloom

Sunset: The time of the day where our sky meets the outer space solar winds.                     It was 5.32 p.m again, and I stepped out onto the balcony, admiring the sunset. I sat down with my lemonade while my problems floated away with the breeze. I let out a sigh of relief. The colour palette in front of me was exquisite; yellow, orange and violet swirls entranced the tender sky. A calmness followed this colourful show, the coolness of the sunset which accompanied the vivid hues of mauve. Lost in the moment, face glowing with the last tangerine rays before the mauve of the dusky sky intensified. The Deli's "5.32 p.m" beautifully ornated those few minutes of delight while the warmth of the sun slowly brushed away from the thin clouds. I longed for this priceless moment for it was epicurean; I understood why sunsets were so adored and meaningful for us, simple human beings, why so many love songs were written about that cherished lapse of time. The sun

2017, not another boring year.

As 2017 comes to an end, it is finally the time for a review. I have spent some time reflecting on how it has been a fantastic year; a rollercoaster of emotions. It might sound cheesy, but it has been my best year so far : I've made friends, even best friends, rekindled old friendships, got rid of my #1 fear : Speaking to the public, made my parents proud (more than once lol) and finally, got out of my introverted nature. I gained skills, went through a one-time experience, got delighted by success but I also handled deceptions. To sum it up, in terms of personal development, I won it all. Isn't it amazing how much a year can change you? My 2017 was fabulous; I've learnt that despite the bad times, there will always be a positive aspect to it (I've always had a shoulder to cry on during the worst situations). But what else? It boosted my self-esteem; I have always myself as a 'loser' and despite my previous achievements, I still felt the same until this year.
Ironical how we live in a multicultural society, and yet, racism is still present in many households. What a shame it is for us to be praised worldwide for our "peaceful multicultural community" and yet, kids are taught in some households that "they should not mingle with other communities". I am not only offended, but also disappointed by how some people associate flaws to specific communities. It is true that religion unites all of us, but to what extent? It is also a fact that there is no visible cultural clash in our society, but let's consider the word 'visible' here. Cultural clash, hatred among communities, racist comments, prejudice, all of these do exist, but they are hidden. And the word 'hidden' here does not mean 'safe' or 'non-existent'; many people have been oppressed because of their race or ethnicity. Corrupted mindsets have modified and changed the main purpose of religion : Welfare and peace for everyone, and h