Just a thought...

"If you could change anything about your life, what would it be?"
Indeed, the answers to this question are endless and quite reflect ambivalent opinions but let's face reality, not all these answers are at the reach of the commoner... Hence, what if you could change the way others perceive your life? Lol, very cunning right? And of course, it's easier to change your image than changing your bad attitude and becoming a better person because nowadays, it seems that being and acting like an asshole is a worldwide trend.

It is part of human nature to feel jealousy whether it being materialistic or not. The upsurge of modernity thus provides a rather effective platform through which one can fool the whole world into thinking that one is living the sweet life, that is, through social media.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am not writing a GP essay (Shoutout to Cambridge) but I am rather exploring the pathetic, if not, miserable aspect of your beloved Instagram and the way in which it shapes our mindsets. It would be an understatement to say that social media is a niche market for attention-seekers but to be completely honest, we must admit that we are all craving for attention in one way or another; the only difference is found in the method we request it. While reading this, you are probably thinking that I am just talking non-sense, BUT, before suing me, just imagine your last story or Instagram/Facebook post and ask yourself why you did that. To show off, to pass on a message, or simply to create an illusion or rather a fake vision of yourself? If your aim is to act like an edgy teenage rebel (WoW So EdGy) or to create an 'aesthetically-pleasing' feed, then, brace yourself, you're truly lost and useless.

What's the purpose behind displaying a fake version of yourself in public? In addition to this, the lame trend of 'being an asshole online' is also creating havoc... You might be the nicest person on Earth but because of Instagram, you choose to showcase a 'Cardi B' attitude, and this is not a compliment lmao just like you could be the most disrespectful being known by humanity and act like a total sugar-coated angel who supposedly "loves spreading happiness like confetti". Keep your cringy quotes to yourself. Acting fake online has never been a trend but it still creates illusions in society; modifying one's personality online is nonetheless quite pathetic if you ask me.

If you are still acting fake nice on social media while being a huge idiot in real life then, I think that it would be better to edit your personality instead of your Instagram bio :).
